So, I’ve had this website registered for coming up on two years. It is actually quite embarrassing that I have done nothing with it. Something else always seems to intervene to take my attention away from getting my website up and running. Now, before you assume that I let little things take over and that I am not dealing with life and death situations, you should know that in addition to being a bookbinder I am also an AEMT with Mapleton Ambulance. In other words, life and death are in play.
OK, even I can see that there is more than a little wrong with that last statement.
First, there is no way in a little community like Mapleton that I have had two years of constant life and death situations to deal with; second, there is a definite defensive tone, mostly because I do let little things take over when I am in avoidance mode; and third, I think it if fairly clear that I am just a little afraid of working on the website. It is something I need to do for my business, but it is a process I don’t fully understand.
You’ve heard of the concept of being frozen with fear? Well, that pretty much describes me and the website. I had my nephew who creates websites come over for an evening to help me and he led me through getting the website set-up. I consider myself to be pretty good with computers but after that evening I knew I hadn’t really understood a large portion of what was said or what we did. I knew I a website but had no idea what to do with it. Of course, I could go back to my nephew and confess my ignorance, but I find my pride prevents me. So I found a tutorial and I’m taking this one step a time.
Just so we are clear, despite the fact that (as demonstrated above) I am a procrastinating, defensive, terrified, proud web administrator, I am actually a very good bookbinder – which is the point of this horrific website. Hopefully, in the not too distant future I will be able to prove the competency a bookbinding with a little competency at website creation. Wish me luck.